Candidates participating in this year’s general election were invited to submit information to the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania, which partnered with PennLive to create this voters’ guide.
The candidates below are running for a Pennsylvania state house seat and are in the order provided by the League of Women Voters.
District 1
Patrick J. Harkins
Party: Democratic
County: Erie
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
District 2
Bob Merski
Party: Democratic
County: Erie
Occupation: Legislator
Education: BA, Education, Mercyhurst University; MS, Educational Development and Strategies, Wilkes University
Qualifications: Seven years of local government experience as a member of Erie City Council; State Representative for the 2nd Legislative District for three terms. Community outreach, engagement, and constituent services are hallmarks of my time in office.
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
One of the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians is local property taxes. We have to fully fund our public schools so that local school districts don’t have to put the cost of our local schools on the backs of local property owners.
I see child care and early childhood education as big issues for parents. Too many working parents are having a hard time finding quality child care and quality pre-K programs. I voted to expand the PA child tax credit to give working families more money back to help pay for child care. I also support expanding funding for pre-K so that every child has the opportunity to a great start to learning.
Pennsylvania is an aging state, and we have an obligation to help our seniors.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
Our local election officials are our neighbors. I would increase access to the ballot through increased mail in voting and automatic voter registration when you access any state program or service. Our elections are secure and safe. We need to fund our elections to pay poll workers to staff each polling location.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I support fully funding public education, as mandated by our state constitution and relieving local property owners of the lion’s share of the burden of funding public education. If we are to compete with China, India, and other countries, we can’t have an education systems that leaves some children behind just for where they live.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
I would not make any changes to the current laws.
Matt Strupczewski
Party: Republican
County: Erie
Occupation: Second Lieutenant - Army National Guard
Education: B.A. - Political Science, B.S. Marketing, minor in Military Studies, almost done with MBA as well.
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
Pennsylvania is falling behind in too many areas. We need to enact change if we want to correct our course. PA ranks 49th nationally in per-student support for higher education. We rank 47th in fiscal stability, 46th in infrastructure, and plenty of other statistics we could list, but it is more than important to note we have a decreasing population. People are leaving PA because they are not seeing a positive change. They don’t see a future here that they want to continue in, raise a family in, and live the rest of their days in. We need to start listening to constituent wants and needs and adjust accordingly. What we are doing clearly is not working, so let’s address that.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
First of all, expanding access, the first thing we would need to do is declare election day a federal holiday. So many of our voters are strong working-class families that need to go to work to pay the bills. This would be the first step in ensuring they have the time/ availability to go out and vote.
Given I am running out of characters I will move on to a point that hits access and security in one. Often we hear opposition to mandated voter ID at polling stations. This is essential to improving security, but concerns are raised about access to ID’s. Nowadays, most of us have one as we need it for just about everything. For those who don’t, we should set up ID drives to help get id’s for those who can’t afford it, or don’t have access.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
Every student deserves to have a quality, safe education. I personally saw what it was like to go to a school where the funding was far below par. Over a third of the building we were in was condemned/ closed off due to the unsafe conditions including collapsing walkways, ceilings, asbestos, and much more. They would even have buckets in the middle of the hallways to catch water dripping from the ceiling. Anyways, while this was going on, we saw surrounding districts have far less issues, and massively higher funding per student ratios. One of the best ways to address this would be by calculating what the cost of education should be per student, and providing flat, equal funding accordingly based on current fiscal year enrollments.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
District 3
Ryan Bizzarro
Party: Democratic
County: Erie
Occupation: State Representative
Education: B.A. - Masters in Public Policy
Qualifications: 10 years experience in state budgeting process and deep connections in the legislature to implement new programs, including as the incumbent Majority Policy Committee Chair.
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
Pennsylvanians are concerned about affordability of living in this great state, about access to good paying, stable jobs, and about making sure their children have access to a great education. In just over a year in the Majority, the leadership team that I am proud to be a part of has taken action to fairly and fully fund education and I am hosting hearings to keep it a budget priority, we are working to make Pennsylvania attractive to workers by offering them safety protections and raising the minimum wage, and we are implementing programs to invest in infrastructure and home affordability to keep our state vital.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
As Policy Chair, my first series of hearings was on the January 6th insurrection and the creation of a website dedicated to Defending Democracy. My colleagues and I have introduced legislation to ensure election transparency and stability, and to provide counties with the tools they need to implement fair elections that are accessible to all eligible voters.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
The Basic Education Funding Commission completed an exhaustive study on fair funding for our schools and now I am working with the leadership team to promote and implement their findings.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
I would expand the number and types of providers that can perform the procedure and eliminate unnecessary and burdensome restrictions to expand access and protect reproductive healthcare. Abortion rights should also be enshrined in our state constitution and safe from Republican attacks.
Micah Goring
Party: Republican
County: Erie
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
District 4
Joe Cancilla
Party: Democratic
County: Erie
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Jake Banta
Party: Republican
County: Erie
Occupation: Pa. State Representative District 4
Education: Fort Leboeuf High School Graduate and Honorably Discharged U.S. Navy Seal
Qualifications: I am a state representative seeking my 2nd. term.
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
Our economy and the divided public are the most pressing issues to me. With the price of gas and groceries families are struggling from paycheck to paycheck and the people are feeling the pressure to be on one side or the other on issues. The economy can be helped by deregulation. I want to help small businesses thrive by making it easier not harder to open. PA. has an abundance of Natural Gas which is very clean burning for a fuel source. We will create jobs and use our natural resource by deregulation there. I would like to help bring America back together by fighting misinformation by the media. I’d show everyone we are on the same side and that the divide is not who we are. Together, we are America. Fixing this is key to unity.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
I would like to pass legislation of a simple effective 5 checks and balance election process all can feel secure about. 1) Proof of citizenship. 2) Name and district registered in. 3) party affiliation. 4) ballot serial number. 5) Each vote in the district is checked by 2 Democrats and 2 Republicans. * Each party checkers -checking the other side’s vote for discrepancy. Discrepancies would be decided by all four or a judge if undecided. ALSO, I would like all mail in ballots to be in and counted by no later than noon election day. *No extended days should be acceptable for counting, since there would be no less than one month prior to get them in.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I would support a complete overhaul of our education system. I think we wouldn’t be divided over education funding, if one standard was in place with the objective of training the children to begin work in society after graduation. We should provide basic education in math, history, civics, economics, fitness and health. Focusing on mental fortitude and the skills and mindset to be in the workforce. Higher education is for advanced degrees. The goal of a HS education should be to enter society and the workforce prepared to apply for a job. A standard ALL can agree on should be in place. Mental health should be an across-the-board focus of each student each day. Reform will only come when the entire system is changed. We can do far better.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
Abortion should be available for medical reasons but otherwise discouraged. Women should fight for their unborn. Each of us are here and we should strive for every life to have the chance you and I received. Sadly, we have relegated it to a political divide. We are the only creature on Earth deleting our own. It is a cultural misstep. Many third World countries I visited saw birth as a gift, even as they were living a very poor existence. Who is to say one life is more important than the next? I would find myself as a hypocrite if I decided the unborn should not get the chance I did at life. We need to change the mindset of our nation. Giving life a chance is the greatest thing we can do. Our country needs to see this.
District 5
Heather Hanna
Party: Democratic
County: Berks
Occupation: Homemaker/volunteer
Education: B.A. Sociology, Temple University
Qualifications: Served on numerous boards and volunteered in Berks County for over 20 years.
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
Access to healthcare & services is the issue that I have heard about the most from citizens. Being able to afford and maintain a comfortable quality of life without worrying about losing one’s home is a very serious matter. Healthcare costs as well as the myriad of hoops that one has to go through is a big deterrent for those trying to decide what is more important, paying the rent/mortgage or going to the doctor. We must improve our access to affordable healthcare for all people.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
I would commit to making sure that voting is accessible to all citizens including those who cannot easily leave their homes to vote in person because of illness or work hours. Vote by mail has been a great asset to the democratic process, but I would like to see more drop boxes available in more areas of District 5. Berks County runs a solid elections department, our elections are secure, and there has been no evidence of widespread fraud. While some have questioned the security of voting by mail, I believe Berks County has a strong process in place to maintain secure elections. Additionally, I would do whatever possible to ensure that our election workers have whatever support they need in terms of their personally safety.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
There needs to be some relief for seniors, but we need to make sure all of our students are receiving equitable education resources. In working on this issue I would be encouraged by alternatives that would make both possible.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
Currently, abortion is legal in PA up to 23 weeks of pregnancy with some exceptions after that period. The Department of Health monitors facilities to make sure abortions are safely conducted. Pennsylvanians are fortunate that these are the laws in place, and I would work to ensure that we do not backslide on these laws. Other states have severely limited the right to abortion which has resulted in also limiting other healthcare such as responses to miscarriage, endometriosis and the like. I will be vigilant in making sure that reproductive decisions are left to patients, their doctors, and their families and not limited by acts of the government.
Eric J. Weaknecht
Party: Republican
County: Berks
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
District 6
Michael Walker
Party: Democratic
County: Crawford
Occupation: Small Business Owner/Aid
Education: Meadville Area Senior High
Qualifications: 15-year career as a manager for Heat Treatment company and 5 years Small Business Owner
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
Lack of opportunities, causing shrinking workforce. I plan on pushing for fixing and updating our infrastructure to promote opportunities for community growth.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
Having Mail in Ballots catch up to modern technology with date verification stamps from the post office and Voters services instead of writing dates on the paperwork and risking a mistake or a misinterpretation of paperwork.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
Support continuation of House Bill 2370.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
Get the current PA abortion laws enshrined into our state constitution to avoid a Roe Vs Wade reversal of rights.
Brad Roae
Party: Republican
County: Crawford
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District 7
Parke Wentling
Party: Republican
County: Mercer
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District 8
Aaron Bernstine
Party: Republican
County: Lawrence
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District 9
Marla Brown
Party: Republican
County: Lawrence
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
District 10
Amen Brown
Party: Democratic
County: Philadelphia
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
District 11
Marci Mustello
Party: Republican
County: Butler
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Justin Konchar
Party: Libertarian
County: Butler
Occupation: Business Owner
Contact: |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
There’s a fundamental issue in the lack of ownership of both houses and businesses. Government and Big Business collude to keep working people down. There is also an epidemic of despair and hopelessness plaguing ordinary people, manifested mostly clearly through the heroin epidemic we’re facing.
My focus is on removing a lot of the artificial barriers in place to home and business and ownership in order to facilitate healthy local economies, vibrant communities, and local culture. I believe that once we strengthen local economies and communities that many social issues will ultimately be fixed on a community level rather than through legislation. We simply need to have a strong foundation to make that possible.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
I support paper only ballots, it is far easier to hack a machine than a written record.
As it stands, at least in my district, there are no apparent structural flaws affecting ease of access to voting.
I would however advocate for Ranked Choice Voting to encourage a greater diversity of opinions outside of the two party system.
I would gladly debate and run against any and all parties, even those that have views antithetical to my own.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
Property tax is unduly punitive towards poor and working people.
I would prefer school to be funded through corporate or capital gains tax. This should be provided on a per student basis through a voucher system to encourage competition between schools.
We need to abandon the Prussian model of education. We should instead put more focus on student curriculum choice, creative problem solving and preparing students for their futures. Strict by the bell education with focus on memorization is designed to produce factory workers and soldiers. Heavy industry is gone and we’ve no business in foreign wars. The future belongs to entrepreneurs and skilled tradesmen, we need to prepare students for their real futures.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
I whole heartedly support the current abortion laws in place, which ban late term abortion while allowing a reasonable window for individuals to make their choice.
I would however support pre-natal adoption agreements as a method to reduce abortions. This would allow a mother to negotiate with potential adoptive families and select a family for her child . It would also allow the mother to accept payment for carrying the child and have her medical expenses covered by the adoptive family.
Ultimately abortions are typically economically motivated however and the only way to reduce abortions is to increase prosperity across the board.
District 12
Robert Vigue
Party: Democratic
County: Butler
Occupation: Retired United States Air Force
Education: AAS Degree In instructional Technology, AAS degree In Avioncs/Elecronics, Microsot Certified MCP, Comptia In A+ and Network+
Qualifications: Current three term Valencia Borough President. Butler County Pa, Federated Library Board Member, Mars Pa, Library Board Voce President, Butler County Pa, Borough Association and Vice President. Twice Elected PA Constable.
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
Woman’s Choice/Healthcare is by far one of the most serious issues in the last 50 years. In Pennsylvania we need to codify women’s rights as well as the rights of the LGBTQ community into the state constitution. I also have serious concerns about the way our seniors are treated and the need to address the issues in a public way. If need be, the AG needs to be more aggressive in protecting seniors from scammers and the shady people who prey on them. With Legislation we can make the penalties tougher.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
People right now are getting scared to go to polling places due to the current climate of violence that has been unleashed. Encouraging using the mail in ballot process would help give more confidence to as long as we include legislation to include smart ballot curing and preprocessing of ballots.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
The fact is while we have some great schools in our district, Mars and Seneca, it’s time we funded all district fairly and equally. Our students in all areas deserve a quality education. Our parents who pay taxes deserve to know that those taxes are being used in a way to help all students, not just in the wealthy communities.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
Again, we need to codify a woman’s right to choose. At this time, we have a Democratic Governor who will use his power for at least the next three years to protect a woman’s right to choose. But that is not a guarantee. Depending on the elections, a veto could be overridden by the State House. We need to elect members like me who will believe and encourage a woman’s right to choose..
Stephenie Scialabba
Party: Republican
County: Butler
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
District 13
Cristian Luna
Party: Democratic
County: Chester
Occupation: Deputy Prothonotary
Education: Cristian is an Avon Grove School District graduate and later attended West Chester University receiving his bachelors degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Sociology.
Qualifications: I currently serve as a Deputy Prothonotary in the Chester County Prothonotary’s office, maintaining Protection from Abuse cases, and previously served as a bilingual Legal Advocate with the Domestic Violence Center of Chester County.
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
I am running to bring a new generation’s perspective in my community, and ensure that it is safe, vibrant, accessible, and affordable now and for generations to come. Protecting water is a priority and the privatization of the Chester Water Authority is dangerous. As a previous mushroom farm worker I would use my experience to support our local farms. I believe in protecting and preserving our open spaces, protecting the right to vote, raising the state minimum wage, helping seniors stay in their homes, tackling high property taxes, ensuring higher education is affordable, accessible and attainable. I believe in addressing issues like gun violence and protecting our environment.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
I am a firm believer that Pennsylvania has safe and fair elections and making sure we keep them that way is a priority for me. We must address the issues that bar eligible voters to exercise their right to vote on Election Day or via mail-in ballots.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I would support legislation that promotes fair funding for all public schools across the Commonwealth. Every district needs to be funded properly so that students have the resources they need to succeed. I will always be an advocate for public schools and for the investment in our educators. This must be accomplished in a manner that relieves a financial burden that is hurting our working families in Pennsylvania.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
I believe that the government should not dictate what a woman does with her body. Everyone including women should have access to a full range of health care services. We must protect abortion access.
John Lawrence
Party: Republican
County: Chester
Occupation: State Representative
Education: Penn State University
Qualifications: I’ve served the people of Southern Chester County in the State House since 2011. Prior to that, I was with JPMorgan for 10 years. Lifelong resident of Southern Chester County.
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
I am a strong advocate for a fiscally responsible, balanced state budget that is focused on priorities without spending more than taxpayers can afford or eating into our Rainy Day Fund. I have been a leading voice in the state Capitol against reckless borrowing and increased government debt. As our community’s voice in Harrisburg, I am working hard to address issues of importance to Southern Chester County - reopening the Emergency Room at Jennersville Hospital, preserving Big Elk Creek State Park from development, and standing up against any sale of CWA.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
The right to vote is a paramount and cherished freedom that we must never take for granted. I am a strong supporter of using paper ballots (as opposed to electronic touchscreen-style voting machines) so a paper trail exists if a recount or an audit is necessary. I support Voter ID, and enforcing election law as written as opposed to courts legislating from the bench.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
The Commonwealth Court’s opinion (in the conclusion on pg 776) states: “Nothing in the foregoing opinion undermines the ability of the General Assembly to continue providing local control to school boards or infringes on any of the sister branches of government’s authority. Nor does it require reform to be entirely financial. The options for reform are virtually limitless.” Reforms in keeping with the Commonwealth Court’s opinion should focus on support for educators and students, parental involvement in decision-making for their own children’s education, and proper financial support for education. And in the face of increasing property taxes, all education spending — state and local - must come with accountability and transparency.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
District 14
Kenya Johns
Party: Democratic
County: Beaver
Occupation: Professor
Education: Ph.D from Duquesne University
Qualifications: Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Geneva College & Ph.D from Duquesne University
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
Fully and equitably funding the educational system
Expand access to health and mental health care
Support for emergency services
Sustainable agriculture
Support developing funding to address the growing infrastructure needs of the commonwealth
Safe and affordable housing
Life Sustaining Jobs
Autonomy of life
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
I believe that we have a constitutional and ethical responsibility to make sure that every person that can legally vote, has the opportunity to do so without bias, intimidation or fear. Citizens have a right to be heard and make sure that their voice is counted when decisions are made. Voting access and accessibility is the way that this happens and I am committed to creating legislature that supports and affirms these principles.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I would support these claims and aim to develop legislation that supports the growing needs of young people, educators and community members in a way that does not continue to cause more financial strains in communities that just want to setup their young people to succeed but do not have the finances to do so equitably.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
I believe that we have an ethical responsibility to support our freedoms as Americans, and I plan on upholding these values for all Americans.
Roman Kozak
Party: Republican
County: Beaver
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
District 15
Ashlee Caul
Party: Democratic
County: Beaver
Occupation: Computer/Web programmer/analyst
Education: New York University, Robert Morris University
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
° Election safety and security - See below.
° Infrastructure repair and modernization - The Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission has a mission to help direct the use of state and federal transportation and economic development funds allocated to the region—approximately $35 billion through 2045. I expect to support legislation to manage the allocation of this funding as appropriate.
¬∞ Elder abuse, including fraud - I propose some form of reporting by financial institutions to trigger judicial review of a senior citizen’s monetary assets, including real estate, without robbing individuals of their liberty and self-direction.
° Mental health - I propose removal of limits on mental health services in health insurance.
° Addiction
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
° Automatic voter registration at age 18
° Postage-paid mail ballots.
° Increased number of drop-off points, with security, for mail ballots.
° Pressing the U.S. Postal Service to prioritize delivery of returned mail ballots over other first-class mail.
¬∞¬†Notification when a voter’s mail ballot is not received by the county Elections Bureau at least one week prior to the election.
° Longer and more detailed training for election officials.
° Election officials who violate election law should be prohibited from serving as an election official in any county in Pennsylvania for some period of time.
° Restore voting rights to the formerly incarcerated.
° Oppose new voter ID requirements and other forms of voter suppression.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
° A better funding formula to shift the cost away from property taxes so as to create a more equitable system to provide for all learners regardless of ZIPCode, with regularly scheduled updates to the formula.
¬∞ Parents are free to choose private schools for their children, but if the funding follows the child, then the public oversight must also follow the child, and the loss of that funding must not undercut the local public system. I am opposed to vouchers, ESA’s (Education Savings Accounts), or any other name given to sending public taxpayer dollars to private schools.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
The Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act mandates that women seeking abortion receive counseling about options. Providing the woman with FACTUAL information about options such as adoption and parenthood is a good idea. While we may assume that every woman is fundamentally aware of all choices, providing accurate information about the reality of each choice is a good idea. I plan to focus more on solving the problems that lead women to choose abortion.
Joshua D. Kail
Party: Republican
County: Beaver
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
District 16
Robert F. Matzie
Party: Democratic
County: Beaver
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
Michael J. Perich
Party: Republican
County: Beaver
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
District 17
Tim Bonner
Party: Republican
County: Mercer
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
District 18
Anand Patel
Party: Democratic
County: Bucks
Occupation: Self-Employed: Owner of GNC Franchises
Education: AA: Humanities, Dual BA: General Theater, and History, MS: Health & Nutrition Ed.
Qualifications: Elected School Director 2015-2019
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
Stagnant wages. I support raising the minimum wage to $15/hour, enacting a child tax credit, and putting more money in people’s pockets by further expanding the property tax rebate.
Every Pennsylvanian should have access to high-quality public schools. I support Governor Shapiro’s proposals to increase funding for education and get our students the support they need to succeed!
Democracy, the rule of law, and the right to abortion are under threat in our great state. While my opponent voted to audit the 2020 election, I will work tirelessly to protect the integrity of your vote without playing politics. I’ll ensure women have the right to make their own medical decisions - not Harrisburg politicians.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
I support expanding our state’s excellent mail-in ballot program, increasing funding for electoral security to prevent intimidation and harassment at the polls, and providing transportation for folks in elder care communities who wish to vote in person.
I am also in favor of the state playing a more active role in protecting local election officials from threats and other malicious activity.
The far right seeks to undermine our democratic process and the will of Pennsylvania’s voters. I am committed to preserving the rule of law and the liberties of my fellow Pennsylvanians, not playing politics with the results of democratic elections.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I propose that all school funding passes through Governor Wolf’s Fair Funding Formula, apportioned per student, which will lessen the property tax burden on middle- and working-class families. We can responsibly increase state funding for Bensalem schools while decreasing local property taxes!
I also support stronger scrutiny of private charter schools by the state. While many charters have provided excellent new opportunities to working-class families, a few unscrupulous actors have siphoned public money while doing the bare minimum to evade the attention of the state. No more!
I will champion legislation to provide the best possible public education for our children, pay teachers a competitive salary, and expand school programs.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
Our state constitution should guarantee a woman’s right to personal reproductive liberty. As a husband, and a father, I believe that these personal, intensely difficult decisions should be in the hands of women, their families, and their doctors - not Harrisburg politicians.
I am the only candidate in this race willing to enshrine a woman’s right to choose in the Pennsylvania Constitution. There is no room for equivocation on this issue, and the Democratic Party has a proven track record of defending women’s rights in the wake of the disastrous Dobbs decision.
I will fight tirelessly to defend the rights of every Pennsylvanian from the far right and their moderate allies.
Kathleen C. Tomlinson
Party: Republican
County: Bucks
Occupation: State Representative
Education: Bensalem High School, 2007 Mercer County Community College, 2014 - Licensed Funeral Director
Qualifications: State Representative
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
There is no more pressing issue than what our families are facing when it comes to our economy. Too many of our working families are feeling the squeeze due to inflation, and while that issue is largely dictated by policy out of Washington DC we have an obligation to do what we can in Harrisburg. I learned early on that most of the best solutions come from the kitchen tables in Bucks County, not Harrisburg. That’s why I have supported commonsense solutions like tax relief for every family and small business, the first property tax cut in over two decades, and lower prescription drug costs. Lowering the costs for our families is the right approach and I will continue finding ways to let our families keep more of what they earn.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
I support measures that make it easier to vote and harder to cheat. I supported Voter ID because it is commonsense that if someone has to have an ID to see an R rated movie, they should have one to vote. I also supported making sure the IDs were free and easy to obtain for those who do not have licenses.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I am proud of my record of working across the aisle to pass record funding for our public schools. I think the budget that we passed this year is a good down payment on our commitment to funding public schools fairly in the Commonwealth and I will continue to support more money for our public schools. This is an area where Governor Shapiro and I agree and have worked together to make a real difference in the lives of our students, parents, and teachers. Governor Shapiro has repeatedly talked about our cooperation and about how it shows that Republicans and Democrats can work together to solve big problems.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
None. I will oppose any effort to change the law here in Pennsylvania. I am the only candidate who has actually voted to protect the right to choose. As a matter of fact, I was only one of four Republicans to vote against an amendment that would have threatened that right. I’ve shown that I will even stand up to my own party when the issue of choice is on the table. As a young woman, I find it ridiculous that some political groups would try and lie about me and my record just to score political points.
District 19
Aerion Andrew Abney
Party: Democratic
County: Allegheny
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
District 20
Emily Kinkead
Party: Democratic
County: Allegheny
Occupation: Legislator, Attorney
Education: Bloomsburg University of PA; Bloomsburg, PA; B.A. Political Science, B.S. Biology University of Pittsburgh School of Law; Pittsburgh, PA; Juris Doctor
Qualifications: Incumbent legislator, attorney
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
In my district, the most pressing issues are 1) blight and landslides, 2) living wages, 3) local investment. I have introduced and voted for legislation to address each of these. I have also been able to bring millions of dollars back to my region to help my communities. Some of the legislation has passed and been signed into law, some is still in the pipeline. There is a lot more work to be done - especially since Democrats only just won the majority - including increasing protections and access to reproductive healthcare, further protections and expansions of voting rights, and curbing the gun violence epidemic. This is the first time in 12 years that Democratic priorities have been moving in PA’s legislature and I want to continue that.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
I support expanding automatic voter registration, early voting, and making election day a holiday, among other measures to increase voter turnout and engagement. I support providing additional funding to our counties to run elections as well as allowing mail-in ballot pre-canvassing.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
As the Commonwealth Court ruled, we cannot continue to fund the lion’s share of school costs on the backs of property owners in the various districts. The inequity it creates is not just unconstitutional but unconscionable. I am excited about what the Basic Education Funding Commission (BEFC) report recommends and I am enthusiastic about supporting legislation and a budget that will implement those recommendations. I know there are people who are far greater experts than I am about this issue and I believe that the BEFC report is a culmination of a year of extensive input from those experts all across the state.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
I support removing any restrictions on access to reproductive healthcare and believe that a person should have the freedom and right to make those decisions for themselves. It is not the government’s business to determine if, when, or how someone gets pregnant, keeps that pregnancy, or gives birth. The government’s substantial interest when it comes to reproduction is to ensure that individuals have access to the healthcare that will ensure their health and welfare in whatever direction they choose.
Matt Kruth
Party: Republican
County: Allegheny
Occupation: Public School Teacher
Education: BA Political Science - Grove City College / M.S.Ed. - Duquesne University
Qualifications: Husband, Father, Educator, Public Servant
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
The most pressing issues facing residents in our district are having more money in their pockets, feeling safe in their communities, and providing the best education for their children. I’m committed to lowering taxes and reducing daily costs to put money back in the pockets of Pennsylvanians. When it comes to safety, we need to support our first responders with the funds they need to do their jobs. We also need to prioritize victims over criminals and ensure we enforce strong penalties for offenders of violent crimes. To provide the best education, we should fully fund public education and set aside dollars for school choice. Parents should not be forced to choose between moving and sending their child to a school that meets their needs.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
Our elections need to be secure and transparent which is why I am in favor of strengthening voter ID requirements; an issue widely supported by voters across the Commonwealth. Doing so provides an additional level of security that promotes confidence in the electoral process. Additionally, we need to support local election officials by providing them with the tools, resources, and training they need to ensure accurate and efficient administration of elections.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
As a public-school teacher for 20+ years, I understand the importance of providing the best educational opportunities for all students. Districts across the commonwealth have unique challenges when it comes to funding. One of my top priorities is ensuring public schools are fully funded. Money alone cannot always fix schools that are not meeting the needs of students. In those instances, we need to ensure we have set aside additional dollars that will follow students and allow parents to choose the best educational opportunity for their child. The 20th District is blessed with three amazingly unique school districts, including the largest in the county and one of the smallest. I will do everything I can to ensure they are funded fairly.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
Pennsylvania’s current law allows legal abortions for any reason up to 6 months of pregnancy. We should encourage a culture of life but must also be willing to support compromise legislation that can be generally accepted by a majority of Pennsylvanians and does not allow for extreme positions such as a ban on abortions, criminalizing women who have abortions, taxpayer funded abortions, or late-term abortions. Society would benefit from fewer abortions not more and the Pennsylvania State government should help make abortion a last option, not a first one. Most importantly we need to support women facing unplanned or unsupported pregnancies.
District 21
Lindsay Powell
Party: Democratic
County: Allegheny
Occupation: State Representative
Education: Bachelor of Arts from Wheaton College in Sociology and a Master’s of Science in Public Policy Management from Carnegie Mellon University Heinz College
Qualifications: Prior to election, Lindsay was the Director of Workforce Strategies for InnovatePGH, and prior to that she oversaw legislation and policy for city departments in Pittsburgh
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
Housing - Every Pittsburgher should have access to safe and dignified housing. We must invest in building new and rehabbing existing housing to expand the city’s housing stock and create a city affordable to all.
Working Families - Families across our districts are worried about keeping their heads above water and making sure that their children have a bright future ahead of them. I believe without addressing rising childcare costs, healthcare reform and addressing student debt, we are failing families in our community.
Jobs & the Economy - Our local economy is fueled by small businesses, entrepreneurs and workers. Pennsylvania needs to protect its workers by raising the minimum wage and making it easier to start and grow businesses.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
I would support expanding automatic voter registration, early voting opportunities, and anything that can make voting more accessible and easier to do.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I believe the work of the Basic Education Funding Commission will help us get to where we need to be in terms of equitably funding our schools and public education. However I hope to work directly with PFT and stakeholders from the Districts we represent to ensure that the proposed funding changes align with what our teachers and students want to see. The best way to fund education is through a progressive funding distribution which would allow for the state to provide sufficient per pupil funding for districts with more income restricted families. States like NJ and WI have been doing this successfully for years and also fund PreK.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
I would support removing the current limitations on abortion in Pennsylvania so that people can have the freedom to make reproductive decisions for themselves.
District 22
Joshua M. Siegel
Party: Democratic
County: Lehigh
Occupation: State Representative
Qualifications: Current State Representative, Former Allentown City Councilman, Former Assistant Operations Manager Lehigh County Controller, Former Lehigh County Public Information Officer
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
The biggest issue we must address in Pennsylvania is the affordability crisis. Working families across the commonwealth are struggling with the cost of property taxes, higher education, housing and putting food on the table. We must correct decades of divestment from our education system and our communities to ensure we have a prosperous workforce and a vibrant economy. In my first term, I was proud to increase the Property Tax Rent Rebate for the first time since 2007, helping seniors stay in their homes, increase the maximum amount for the child tax credit to $2,100 for families and the largest basic education increase in the history of the state, but there is much more work to do.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
We must make sure that our election officials have the tools and funding to run efficient and fair elections. Here in Lehigh County we have protected the use of dropboxes to make it more convenient to vote. There is still more we need to do in the legislature. The burden that the legislature has put on election officials by not allowing them to precanvass mail in ballots has delayed vote counts and has cynically been used by some officials to falsely attack the integrity of our elections. Our elections are at the heart of our democracy, and it is our responsibility as legislators to ensure they are funded and fair.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
The Commonwealth Court’s decision was a groundbreaking acknowledgement of the injustice of our education funding. I see it as an opportunity to correct a historic wrong that has left far too many Pennsylvanians behind. We have a constitutional duty to ensure that our education system is thorough and efficient, and historically the legislature has not provided equal funding to our students, especially in districts like Allentown. We have started to address this through funding increases, and I look forward to the opportunity to be part of the legislature that finally addresses this tragic inequity.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
I will always protect a woman’s right to choose.
District 23
Dan Frankel
Party: Democratic
County: Allegheny
Occupation: Legislator
Education: Pennington School (1974); Kenyon College (1978)
Qualifications: For over 25 years, Rep. Frankel has served as the State Representative of the 23rd Legislative District. Currently, he is the Majority Chairman of the House Health Committee, where he promotes science-based policies to protect and improve the public health of the Commonwealth.
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
My priorities in my next term will be equality and justice, the environment, firearm policy reform, government reform, decriminalizing adult-use cannabis use, and reproductive rights. I have been fighting for these progressive values for two decades and have worked to build coalitions of lawmakers to advocate with me. For example, I founded the Women’s Health Caucus and the LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus. These caucuses have become passionate groups of leaders fighting for policies often disregarded just 20 years ago.
As the Majority Chairman of the House Health Committee, I will prioritize increasing access to quality healthcare for every Pennsylvania and will work to lower the cost of prescription drugs.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
Everyone should be able to vote easily, whether they have a disability, are incarcerated, have an unstable address, or have an inflexible work schedule. Therefore, I support expanding access to ballot drop boxes, same-day registration, and guaranteeing the ability to vote early. In addition, updating Pennsylvania’s voting laws should continue beyond improving voting access; it’s time we let our county elections offices canvass mail-in and absentee ballots before election day.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
The Commonwealth should implement a needs-
based funding formula that considers the unique needs of each school district. This formula should take into account factors such as student demographics, socioeconomic status, English
language proficiency, and special education requirements. This ensures that districts with greater challenges receive additional resources.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
Abortions should be safe and legal- I have always supported this, and I always will. After the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe V. Wade, we learned that we must take action to protect patients but also for abortion providers. States with abortion restrictions or bans have made threats of legal action against healthcare professionals providing abortion care to patients feeling abortion restrictions. We must make sure that our abortion providers in Pennsylvania can continue to provide these safe and legal abortions in our Commonwealth without the threat of punitive action against them for providing high-quality healthcare.
District 24
LaTasha D. Mayes
Party: Democratic
County: Allegheny
Occupation: Elected Official
Education: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, University of Pittsburgh (1999-2003), Master of Science in Public Policy and Management, Carnegie Mellon University (2004-2005), Executive Program in Social Impact Strategy Certificate, University of Pennsylvania (2019)
Qualifications: Current State Representative, Founder and Former President & CEO, New Voices for Reproductive Justice, 24 Years of Public Service to the Greater Pittsburgh Region
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
In spite of the pressing issues they face, Pennsylvanians are taking care of their families, going to work and contributing to their communities. Access to healthcare is a widespread issue for Pennsylvanians of all backgrounds. Access looks like traveling to other counties for basic care, being uninsured or underinsured, dealing with crushing medical debt, the inability to go to appointments or pay for prescriptions, poor quality care if you are low/no-income and fear of discrimination that can be fatal in the case of Black maternal mortality. I serve on the Health Committee that advances important legislation, I co-founded the PA Black Maternal Health Caucus and I am working to ensure everyone in my district has health insurance coverage.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
We must increase state funding to invest in free, fair and secure elections and the proposed state budget increases the Department of State line item by $9.3 million. We now have automatic voter registration, and we must maintain its funding each year. The budget includes a $5 million increase for voter education and direct outreach as well as additional funding for counties to administer elections which can be costly. Increasing poll worker pay is imperative to have the elections workforce we need. We must pass the K. Leroy Irvis Voter Protection Act that includes early voting locations, same day voter registration, ballot curing and pre-canvassing. As an Appropriations Member, I am working to ensure we fund the expansion of voting rights.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
The Commonwealth Court ruling was unequivocal in determining that our school funding system is unconstitutional. Depending on your zip code, a student’s opportunity to learn is limited based on if they live in a low-wealth versus high-wealth school district which contributes to inequitable investments in education. Our commonwealth needs a fair funding formula that does not pit school districts against each other, increased investment in the basic education fund to address the $5.4 billion adequacy gap across our 500 school districts and work against vouchers that imperil the financial future of our public schools. We must also increase the state’s share for special education and equitably invest in career and technical education programs.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
As a Reproductive Justice national leader, community organizer and policy advocate for nearly 25 years, I have devoted my life to ensure that we all have the Human Right to control our bodies and our reproduction. My work on state-level policy for abortion rights is rooted in my 18 years as leader of New Voices for Reproductive Justice that continues to operate across Pennsylvania and Ohio. I continue this work as State Representative and we must codify the explicit right to abortion in the state constitution which I am working on with my colleagues, I am introducing a bill with another colleague to reverse TRAP laws that closed abortion clinics over the last decade, and we successfully defunded Real Alternatives crisis pregnancy centers.
District 25
Brandon J. Markosek
Party: Democratic
County: Allegheny
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
John Ritter
Party: Republican
County: Allegheny
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
District 26
Paul Friel
Party: Democratic
County: Chester
Occupation: Representative in the general assembly
Education: Temple University
Qualifications: Significant senior executive leadership positions, served on local school board, served on several non profit boards
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
Education funding for K-12 and affordability of higher education is critical for the legislature to address this session. Providing policies that help our local community’s economic health and resilience - investing in local infrastructure. Helping our agriculture industry thrive and grow. As a member of the education, agriculture and finance committees I am working on the policies that are some of the most important for our future.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
I believe open primaries are a way to get more engagement and will better reflect the majority of voters giving a voice to those not now able to participate in primary elections. I am a cosponsor of legislation to make this change. I also support campaign finance reform and believe getting dark money out of politics is a critical step towards protecting our democracy.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
As a member of the education committee and former school board president I have been working to bring legislation forward that addresses the structural inequities in our school funding system. I have proposed legislation and am a cosponsor of legislation to reduce our dependence on local property tax and to more fairly distribute our state resources.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
I believe we need to protect women’s reproductive autonomy and allow medical professionals and families make decisions not politicians.
Shawn Blickley
Party: Republican
County: Chester
Occupation: Farmer
Education: BA Finance / MBA
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
Economic Concerns: Job growth, economic development, and the impacts of inflation are significant issues. Many residents are concerned about the availability of well-paying jobs and the overall cost of living.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
I believe it’s imperative to strike a balance between making voting accessible to all eligible citizens and ensuring the integrity and security of our electoral process. To achieve this in Pennsylvania, I would support the following changes to our voting laws:
- Implementing Strict Voter ID Requirements:
- Enhancing Mail-In Ballot Security:
- Expanding In-Person Early Voting
- Providing Adequate Resources to Local Election Officials:
- Regular Maintenance of Voter Rolls
- Establishing Transparent Audit Processes:By adopting these measures, Pennsylvania can both expand access to voting and ensure that our elections remain free, fair, and secure.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I recognize the importance of ensuring that every child in Pennsylvania has access to a quality education, regardless of their zip code. In response to the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional, I would support legislation that addresses disparities while promoting accountability, efficiency, and local control. Here are the key components I would advocate for:
- Revising the Funding Formula
- Increasing State Investment in Education
- Expanding School Choice Options
- Ensuring Accountability for Results
- Supporting Local Control and Innovation
- Promoting Public-Private Partnerships
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
At this time I would support the settled law.
District 27
Daniel J. Deasy
Party: Democratic
County: Allegheny
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
District 28
Bill Petulla
Party: Democratic
County: Allegheny
Occupation: Chief Trial Deputy, Allegheny County District Attorney’s Office
Education: Juris Doctor, Bachelor of Science in Journalism - University of Kansas
Qualifications: Criminal Prosecutor, Coach, Father, and Life-long Public Servant
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
My top priorities are to invest in our community, promote public safety, and address the mental health crisis. I will advocate for a plan to provide public transit options, rebuild and repair our roads and bridges, and invest in local businesses to create good-paying jobs. As it relates to public safety, I will be a strong advocate for proper funding for our first responders to ensure they have the training and resources necessary to do their jobs safely. I will prioritize access to mental health services in schools so that students can receive early intervention to help prevent the escalation of mental health problems, reduce the severity, and ultimately improve overall outcomes.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
I believe we need to continue to protect access to vote-by-mail. Expanding access and opportunities to vote makes voting much more accessible especially in rural and elderly communities. We need to continue to invest in updates and funding to ensure that local election boards have the resources, technology, and staffing they need so that they can facilitate safe and secure elections. I would be in favor of making in-person voting more accessible on Election Day at the polls by passing legislation to make Election Day a state holiday in Pennsylvania.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I would support legislation that increases oversight and reassess charter school funding to ensure responsible use of taxpayer dollars. I would support legislation that addresses funding inequities to ensure that all schools, regardless of socioeconomic status, have access to the appropriate resources. Any legislation to address the school funding system should also be done in collaboration with educators, school boards, and school administrators. A key piece of public education funding should also include early childhood education. Investing in early education can have long-lasting benefits for children. As such, I would sponsor legislation that expands access to high-quality early childhood education programs.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
We need to protect access to abortion care and women’s reproductive rights. I would not support any changes that seek to limit or further restrict access to abortion in Pennsylvania. I would support legislation that seeks to strengthen the protections on abortion access and protects the right to privacy when making healthcare decisions with your doctor.
Jeremy Shaffer
Party: Republican
County: Allegheny
Occupation: Entrepreneur / Engineer
Education: Carnegie Mellon - Ph.D. and Masters Degree Electrical and Computer Engineering; MBA UNC Chapel Hill; Bachelor’s Computer Engineering Tulane University
Qualifications: Township Commissioner; Small Business Owner and job creator; Northern Tier Library Board Member; Northland Library Foundation Board Member; Youth Basketball and Soccer coach; Father of 5; Volunteer in various outdoor and environmental groups
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
Pennsylvania’s financial situation is approaching what is commonly called a “fiscal cliff.” The governor’s current budget proposes massive spending increases in various programs, relying in large part on the state’s fiscal reserves, known as its “Rainy Day Fund.” Placing one-time revenues into budget lines that require recurring funds every year is irresponsible. The only other option would be to burden Pennsylvania citizens with increased taxes and the economic decline that comes with reduced competitiveness. Despite our amazing strengths (people, schools, cultural, outdoor, etc.) Our region continues to be one of the only metropolitan areas in the country to lose population. We need to attract and retain jobs not drive them away.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
Key to functioning democracy is having all parties have trust in the election process no matter the outcome. Implementing common sense reforms such as Voter ID are ways to improve trust in the system. It is also important to support our local elections officials and workers who toil long hours with limited pay and provide them the tools they need to run efficient and safe elections. Ensuring that we have clear rules that apply uniformly across Pennsylvania is something that the legislature and Governor must work together to ensure. It is unacceptable to have different counties apply conflicting guidelines when counting ballots as has been done in the past.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I will work hard to defend our excellent school districts in the 28th District: Deer Lakes, Hampton, North Allegheny, and Pine-Richland. Our high performing schools typically spend far less per student than poorly performing districts. We should not punish districts that are doing well but empower parents and reform districts that are failing. Throwing massive amounts of new money into broken systems like Philadelphia without real reforms will not solve the problem. The clearest answer to rectifying unequal funding to is have the school funding dollars follow the student, empower parents, and have accountability on failing schools. I will fight hard to ensure that money from our school districts doesn’t get siphoned off to Philadelphia.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
I would favor clearly defined regulations and broad policies to encourage a culture of life, including support for parents dealing with unwanted pregnancies. This would include an end to the lax enforcement of child support laws which have allowed too many fathers to abandon their obligation to provide for their children.
District 29
Tim Brennan
Party: Democratic
County: Bucks
Occupation: Legislator/Attorney
Education: Ursinus College (B.A.), Widener University School of Law (J.D.), Trinity College and Charles University (International)
Qualifications: Current State Representative serving on the following committees: Appropriations, Ethics, Labor, State Government, Insurance and Tourism. Attorney, municipal solicitor for over 15 years, certified in law government and certified as expert in workers compensation law. Former local council member.
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
My priorities remain our residents’ core concerns: our roads, public safety, the needs of our first responders and our quality of life. That said, seldom in our history have we faced so much uncertainty or such grave threats to our core principles. Despite these challenges, however, I continue to believe there is nothing wrong with this country that can’t be fixed with more of what is right with it. We must continue to focus on these fundamentals of government that move our communities forward, but how we do our job also matters. Our long-term success will depend on our ability to come together and recommit to civic responsibility and civil discourse; they are responsibilities on which all of our freedoms and our economic prosperity depend.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
The goal of a fully functioning Democracy is to have as many people participate as possible. The first bill I cosponsored was to promote civics in our schools and to permit 16 and 17 year olds to pre-register to vote and to opt-in to receive information about candidates and elections before their first vote. I also support providing Independents, which includes 17% of Bucks County voters and many of our veterans, the opportunity to vote in our primaries. We also can improve mail in voting by allowing pre-canvassing, a permanent mail in status and by providing notice and an opportunity to cure technical defects. Finally, Gerrymandering, a flaw in the democratic process, must be addressed so we have a better quality of representation.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
As a former educator, I know how hard students struggle to better their lives. Our grade schools and high schools are not business operations and, constitutionally and morally, we have a responsibility to provide opportunities for all our kids; we cannot simply pick winners and losers. As the PA Constitution states, our duty is to provide a “thorough and efficient system” to actually “serve the needs of the Commonwealth.” We can’t solve 21st century problems without investing in our problem solvers. I support Gov. Shapiro’s education plan, which begins a constitutionally required investment with a 1.1 billion dollar increase in education funding, 300 million in infrastructure repairs and significant savings from cyber charter reform.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
Family planning, abortion and birth control should be treated like any other type of healthcare. Such decisions should be evidence and science based and be made between a person and their doctor. I would support a constitutional right to privacy and measures similar to those I already cosponsored such as bills providing state insurance and Medicaid coverage for abortion services and birth control, providing coverage for in vitro fertilization and family planning, defunding organization that do not provide accurate or complete information about family planning and that provide protection for women who are forced to come here for reproductive care. I also support Planned Parenthood, which serves some of the most in need in our communities.
Steve Mekanik
Party: Republican
County: Bucks
Occupation: Small business owner
Education: The Citadel, The Military College of SC
Qualifications: CEO - Small business owner and Buckingham Township Auditor
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
As your next State Representative, I am committed to addressing two of the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvania families: the rising cost of living, and the ongoing increase in crime rates across our communities.
As a small business owner, I know what it takes to get our economy back on track, and I look forward to delivering real results for Central Bucks County families.
We must do what we can to lower energy prices, create stability in the supply chain, and encourage economic development that brings more small business job creators to our towns.
Finally, I will work as a partner with law enforcement and help ensure they have the funding they need as they put their lives on the line each and every day to keep our streets safe.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
In a time when polarization has taken hold of our politics, there is bipartisan agreement that reforms must be made to our voting laws. I do not believe it is mutually exclusive to both expand access to voting while also adding security and boosting confidence in the outcomes of our elections.
A great example of the type of compromise legislation I would support was the Pennsylvania Voting Rights Protection Act that was passed in the House last session. This bill provided security measures like expanded Voter ID and regular election audits. It also added in-person early voting, standardized the use of ballot drop boxes, and improved the reliability of mail-in ballots.
We need to come together to fix this basic function of our democracy
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
As the proud father of four children, two who have already graduated and two who currently attend the Central Bucks School system, I understand the importance of providing students with a quality education.
The Commonwealth Court’s ruling has started a wide-ranging and serious debate on the future of education funding here in Pennsylvania, and I believe that my experience as a parent, small business owner, and township auditor will give me important insight as the discussions continue.
Regardless of the specific legislative outcome, my commitment to you is that I will always fight to ensure our students and teachers receive the resources they need to maintain our school district’s reputation for excellence.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
I firmly believe that in a debate as important as this, we must avoid the extremes on either end of the partisan political spectrum. I will not support a ban on abortion, nor can I vote for an expansion of late-term abortion except in the case of rape, incest, and to protect the health of the mother. The exceptions enshrined in current state law must always be protected.
Reproductive healthcare decisions, including abortions, are deeply personal ones, and I will not insert myself between a woman and her doctor.
Rob Ronky
Party: Libertarian
County: Bucks
Occupation: Manager,for 35+ years at a local antique store.
Education: Central Bucks west high school
Qualifications: Great with people, Work for a multi national company.
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
One of the biggest things Pennsylvanians are dealing with is ever increasing taxes. We need to work on cutting spending and we could do well with other measures like lowering the fuel tax. This could help logistic companies operate more efficiently leading to a trickle down effect at the grocery store. Furthermore, I feel it’s not right to frivolously spend school tax money on school boards that spend recklessly; the recent case involving a local school superintendent comes to mind
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
I would support open primaries in Pennsylvania where we have 1.6million independent and 3rd party voters that can not vote in primary election. Elections are supported by tax funding and denying registered voters a chance to vote in a primary should not be allowed. Furthermore, as primaries are funded by taxes, I feel that if a party wants to hold a primary, then the political party should pay for it, not the tax payer.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
You are going to see cyber charter schools bring in more money with this ruling and it won’t benefit brick and mortar schools as much. I think we will need more oversight to look into how cyber charter schools are run and where all their money is going. Some cyber charter schools are so wealthy they are running TV commercials, which i find to be a waste of funding
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
None. As a male and someone that supports medical freedom. It’s not my place to tell a person what they can and can’t do with their body.
District 30
Arvind Venkat
Party: Democratic
County: Allegheny
Occupation: Physician
Education: Educated at Harvard College, Yale University School of Medicine, and the University of Cincinnati Department of Emergency Medicine residency program
Qualifications: ER Physician, Incumbent State Representative
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
1) Defending our Democracy - Ensuring that every eligible voter has easy access to the ballot box and protecting our right to free and fair elections, regardless of the outcome; 2) Protecting abortion rights - Preserving reproductive health care and abortion rights for all Pennsylvanians; 3) Supporting Families and Workers - Fighting for equal pay, paid family leave, and affordable child care and health care - including medical debt relief, in-home care for the elderly, and mental health services.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
I would support expanding voter registration through automatic voter registration, election-day voter registration, and early in-person voting.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
We need to move away from a funding system that allows the location where a child lives govern the quality of their education. While we are reliant on property taxes now along with state funding and federal grants for public education, the former creates an inequitable system. We will need to look at how we adjust the formula for allocating state education funding to reduce reliance on the property tax over time and ensuring equity in educational funding.
The state needs to look at its formula for allocating public education funds to reduce disparities in funding based on local community socioeconomic status. We have started this with increases in funding, but clearly it has not gone far enough given continued reliance on property taxes.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
Pennsylvanians current law protects a person’s right to have an abortion. I support that. But we have seen attempts to remove such protections. I support codifying abortion rights along the structure of the previously overturned Roe v. Wade decision as a state constitutional amendment.
Nathan Wolfe
Party: Republican
County: Allegheny
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
William Johnson Baierl
Party: Libertarian
County: Allegheny
Occupation: Consultant
Education: North Allegheny; University of Pennsylvania, Biological Basis of Behaviour, Environmental Studies Minor, Stephens Minister
Qualifications: Director, General Manager 31 years; past Presbyterian Elder; past President NAEC; past Allegheny Land Trust Board Member; Post Gazette endorsed against Jane Orie in 1996.
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
Peace and prosperity are hindered by the corruption, grift and inefficiency of Harrisburg oligarchy. A few legislators control: caucus accounts; which bills get votes and lobbyist influence. While widely supported important bills like Fair Districts, Gift Ban and Community Solar are killed; elections do nothing as oligarchy persists. With largest full-time legislature in U.S., 6 figure salaries, less than 60 session days, undue benefits, no limits on gifts and opaque spending of hundreds of millions by the few, it’s clear that reform is needed. Will work with Independent Fiscal Office to increase transparency and accountability of how party leaders stifle legislation Pennsylvanians demand, breaking the oligarchy to help Pennsylvania thrive.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
Ensuring security with great poll workers, signature verification and paper backups remains crucial. To expand access and improve democracy, we need Fair District legislation to prevent gerrymandering. We need a true open primary where all candidates meet the same ballot access requirements and appear on the same Spring Primary ballot. Using ranked-choice voting, the top 5 candidates advance to a ranked-choice general election in November. This reduces negative campaigning and encourages diverse representation. Ending preferential treatment for old parties is key to fixing our corrupt, expensive legislature and fostering genuine competition.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
To address the Commonwealth Court’s ruling on school funding, I support enabling school districts to adopt a Land Use Tax. This tax shifts the burden from homeowners to commercial and industrial property owners, boosting revenue for impoverished districts. Homeowners can renovate without new taxes. While nonprofit owned land that is actively engaged in charity is exempt, land held by nonprofit for investment or future use would pay the same tax as other owners. Land use tax is the least regressive tax and the system is less bureaucratic, with land value determined by location and size, not by assessors.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
I support medical autonomy, where adults and doctors make decisions about procedures, including abortion, with no state interference. For minors, decisions should be made by parents and doctors. Pennsylvanians should be able to create legislation and amendments by initiative, as allowed in the original constitution. I would support an amendment protecting body autonomy to ensure these decisions remain personal and private, and would also support reasonable restrictions involving viability if it be the will of the people.
District 31
Perry Warren
Party: Democratic
County: Bucks
Occupation: State Representative
Education: Colgate University, B.A.; University of North Carolina School of Law, J.D.
Qualifications: As State Representative I have supported, written, introduced and passed legislation that benefits our residents. I bring my experience as business owner, lawyer, Borough Councilman and father of five to the role of state representative and participate in the life of our communities.
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
The first priority is to continue to do my best in representing our residents and communities. With respect to issues, what I call the three E’s are top priorities in my district: Economy, Education and Environment. Economy includes increasing the minimum wage and ensuring livable wages, improving transportation infrastructure and transit, and supporting local businesses and a fair economy. Education includes pre-K, primary and secondary, vocational and college education and ensuring a safe educational environment, free from gun violence. Environment includes clean air and water and sustainable energy policy. Each of those priorities focuses on maintaining and improving quality of life in our communities and throughout Pennsylvania.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
The right to vote is perhaps the most important tenet of our nation, and voting should be free, safe, accessible and open to all citizens. Boards of Elections need to be adequately funded and our polls staffed and poll workers protected from intimidation to ensure safe and accessible elections. BOE’s should be permitted to pre-canvass mail and absentee ballots so votes can be timely counted. I support clear language on mail ballots, elimination of unnecessary barriers to completing a ballot and requiring BOE’s to notify and permit voters to correct clerical errors and omissions. In addition, I support campaign finance reform and limits on dark money spending.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
Governor Shapiro and the General Assembly made great progress this year by enacting a state budget that includes record public education funding. We can and must do more, ensuring that our students are supported and our schools funded to fulfill our constitutional obligation to the next and future generations. More education funding should come from the state level, to contain or reduce reliance on local property taxes. I support measures to encourage students to become teachers in Pennsylvania and to invest in school infrastructure and facilities so that students can succeed in a safe and productive learning environment.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
Every person should have access to a full range of reproductive health services, including safe and legal birth control and abortion services. I support legislation that would ensure that access to Pennsylvanians regardless of what may happen in other states or at the national level and legislation that removes obstacles and penalties for persons seeking reproductive health care, including birth control and abortion services. I voted No in 2022 on the proposed constitutional amendment that would have declared that there is no constitutional right to abortion.
Bernie Sauer
Party: Republican
County: Bucks
Occupation: Business Owner
Education: Bishop Egan High School & Temple University
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
We must do what we can to bring down the cost of living for families struggling across Pennsylvania — that includes keeping taxes low and attracting new business to the Commonwealth. We have a responsibility to pass budgets that are on time, balanced, and make smart investments in our communities. Finally, we must provide the men and women of law enforcement with the tools they need to keep our streets safe.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
As your next State Representative, I will work to ensure that our elections are accessible, fair, and secure. We must protect access to reliable early voting for those who choose to participate by mail or in person at the Board of Elections office. At the same time, we need to promote common-sense security measures like expanded Voter ID and regular election audits to guarantee confidence in the reliability of our election process.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
A quality education is the foundation of a brighter future for Pennsylvania. It equips our children with the skills they need to succeed, strengthens our communities, and ensures our economy thrives. Investing in education means providing resources for teachers, modernizing schools, and supporting all students. I’ll prioritize policies that expand access to quality education, ensuring every child can reach their full potential.
Regardless of the specific legislative outcome, my commitment to you is that I will always fight to ensure our students and teachers receive the resources they need to maintain our school district’s reputation for excellence.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
I believe we have to look past the extremists on either side of this important issue and find the common ground that I know exists. I would not be a vote for the expansion of late-term abortions, nor would I support an outright ban on abortion or other critical reproductive healthcare. I would vote to protect the exceptions that are outlined in the current Pennsylvania law, and do not wish to insert myself between a woman and her doctor in these kinds of deeply personal healthcare decisions.
District 32
Joe McAndrew
Party: Republican,Democratic
County: Allegheny
Occupation: State Representative
Education: Fox Chapel High School, University of Dayton
Qualifications: Currently serving in the role
Contact: |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
How are we building the middle class? What economic, housing, and infrastructure policies are we creating to help support the growth of wealth for working Pennsylvanians. While corporations exploit us, we must push to raise the minimum wage, add protections for workers, and end wage theft, among other vital policies.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
Allowing for a permanent mail-in ballot list would go a long way in solving issues seniors have when applying to mail-in-vote.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I look forward to reviewing the proposals put forth in the near future to resolve this issue. I believe the house democrats and the governor are working on a strong plan to solve this issue. We must come up with a solution to this issue, without increasing funding to charter schools or voucher programs.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
I would bolster protections for women seeking reproductive healthcare.
District 33
Mandy Steele
Party: Democratic
County: Allegheny
Occupation: State Representative
Education: Bachelors Degree from University of Pittsburgh
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
The global energy production landscape is changing as we move the world forward as quickly and efficiently as possible to a net-neutral economy. We must pass legislation that will best position Pennsylvania to remain a leader in the energy space.
The opportunity before us to revitalize local economies with clean energy manufacturing here is immense, leading to more jobs, more school funding, stronger communities - a cleaner, safer, more stable future for the people of our great commonwealth. A collaborative approach is our most expeditious path forward and I will continue to push legislation in this compelling and promising space.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
Pennsylvania has made great strides in expanding voter enfranchisement, starting with automatic voter registration. Our newly-elected County Executive, Sara Innamorato, has added ballot drop boxes around Allegheny County this year. I will continue to support any efforts that improve access to voting and increase voter education efforts.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I support the basic education funding formula that plans to invest $1.1 Billion in education this year alone. I’d also support legislation for proposed Cyber Charger reform that would send hundreds of millions of dollars back to public school systems.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
Abortion needs to remain legal and accessible in Pennsylvania.
Gary Lotz
Party: Republican
County: Allegheny
Occupation: Vice President, Dick Building Company
Education: Masters of Business Administration, Tulane University BA, Government and Foreign Affairs, University of Virginia
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
Population loss is a critical issue for Pennsylvania, hindering economic growth and community vitality. To combat this, we must focus on revitalizing our communities and spurring growth. This involves creating a business-friendly environment through targeted tax incentives and regulatory reforms to encourage job creation and business expansion. Additionally, we need to invest in workforce development and skills training to ensure Pennsylvanians are equipped to compete in today’s economy, fostering innovation and prosperity statewide.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
When it comes to Pennsylvania’s voting laws, I would begin by advocating for the implementation of voter ID. This measures would be essential to instill across the board confidence ensuring the integrity of every vote cast. Furthermore, I would support initiatives to provide better resources and increased support to local election officials, ensuring they have the tools and training necessary to administer elections effectively and efficiently. By investing in technology upgrades and training programs, we can improve the accuracy and reliability of our elections while easing the burden on local election administrators.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
To remedy this legislation must be put forth to ensure that education dollars follow the student, allowing parents to be empowered to make the best educational decisions for their children. This approach fosters competition among schools, encouraging them to enhance their offerings and outcomes to attract students. Furthermore, school choice promotes innovation and diversity in education, providing families with a variety of schooling options tailored to their children’s needs and learning styles. This approach not only tackles the issue of unequal funding but also empowers families, improves educational outcomes, and elevates the overall quality of education in Pennsylvania.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
I don’t see an urgent necessity to alter the existing abortion laws in Pennsylvania. Like most Pennsylvanians, I believe the decision to have an abortion is a deeply personal matter, and I am not running for office to put myself between a woman and her doctor.
District 34
Abigail Salisbury
Party: Democratic
County: Allegheny
Occupation: State Representative, Nonprofit Attorney
Education: B.A. Case Western Reserve University, J.D. Pitt Law, MPPM Pitt GSPIA
Qualifications: Incumbent of 1 year, nonprofit attorney, small business owner for 9 years, taught classes on First Amendment Law, international human rights law experience, 5 years on Swissvale Borough Council, former nonprofit executive director.
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
(1) Unconstitutional system of funding public education. On the Appropriations committee, I focus on shifting from a system based on local property taxes, which exacerbates structural inequities. We must instead pool resources at the state level and invest heavily in basic education funding.
(2) Infrastructure. Massive state investment in roads, water, and sewage systems is necessary.
(3) The burden on 2,560 municipalities to provide public services. I hold intermunicipal meetings for my 13 communities’ elected officials, I am working on providing free grant-writing services to low-income municipalities to give them access to state grants. I work on intermunicipal cooperation efforts to help leverage small boroughs’ resources.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
This year, the primary falls on the Jewish holiday of Passover. As a Jew, I worked hard to try to change the date of the primary so that it would not disenfranchise anyone based on their religion, but ultimately I failed. We must work harder to ensure that scheduling issues known far in advance do not harm voting rights. We must also make it as easy as possible to vote, so that small mistakes on mail-in ballots do not disqualify votes and so that people can leave work to vote in person if they choose.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
We attempted to work on this last year and failed, so right now the legislation I am focused on will be the budget bill. We just finished up education budget hearings yesterday on Appropriations and I am encouraged to see the increased state investment in school districts with lower incomes and property values, but it is not enough. Once we get through the budget period for this year, it is time to tackle the larger structural issue anew on a caucus level, and new legislation will be developed to do so. I look forward to working with our Education Chair and our leadership to accomplish that goal.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
I support maintaining the right to choose, but that right is meaningless if people do not have the ability to pay for their reproductive healthcare choices. Abortion is healthcare. We must therefore ensure that people have affordable or free access to healthcare in PA.
District 35
Matthew R. Gergely
Party: Democratic
County: Allegheny
Occupation: State Representative
Education: Indiana University of PA - Graduate
Qualifications: Career in local Government and Management
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
There are several, advocate and vote to help correct those issues.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
All, if properly supported
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
Allowing choice for women
District 36
Jessica Benham
Party: Democratic
County: Allegheny
Occupation: State Representative
Education: MA, Bioethics, University of Pittsburgh. PhD, Communication, University of Pittsburgh.
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
Economic instability, healthcare access, including abortion, and public safety are the issues I hear most about from my constituents.
I will continue to fight for budgets that cut cost of living, and invest tax dollars into public health, supports for families, workforce development, and local businesses.
I prioritize access to affordable healthcare, including ensuring that older adults and individuals with disabilities have the services they need. And I will always defend abortion rights.
I have brought back millions of dollars to my district to invest in public safety, including for violence prevention, victims’ services, and public safety facilities. For more info on my work on each issue, I encourage people to visit my website.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
I support day voter registration, automatic voter registration, and more opportunities for early voting. I also support reforms requested by our counties, like the ability to pre-canvass mail-in ballots to ensure a timely count.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I support the plan proposed by the House Democrats to fully fund local districts within a 7-year timeline. While I wish we had the capacity to scale up funding more quickly, we also have fiscal constraints, so it is my hope that cyber charter reform and other similar reforms will help local districts as well. We need to ensure that every child has access to quality public education in Pennsylvania.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
I would vote for a constitutional amendment to enshrine abortion rights into the PA Constitution. I support HB2374, which would remove excessive mandates placed on abortion providers, as well as HB2304, which would eliminate the 24 hour waiting period and Medicaid restrictions on abortions.
Ross Sylvester
Party: Libertarian
County: Allegheny
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
District 37
John George
Party: Democratic
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Education Executive
Education: I earned a Doctorate and Master of Education degrees from the University of Pittsburgh, and I possess a bachelor’s degree in education and special education from The George Washington University. I completed postdoctoral studies in education policy at Temple University.
Qualifications: With over forty years of education leadership experience, I have worked effectively with Republicans, Democrats, and Independents in Harrisburg and Washington, DC to improve the lives of children and adults. I also served as chief executive officer of organizations with over $200 million budgets.
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
A dysfunctional state government can make it incredibly challenging to achieve anything. Because of partisan bickering, the present legislature is considered to be one of the most ineffective in decades. We must recognize that both political parties have ideas with merit. I promise to listen and respect differing viewpoints and work in a bipartisan way to create solutions for the people.
There’s also a worrying trend of limiting women’s freedoms. It’s crucial to safeguard women’s right to make decisions about their reproductive healthcare. I will oppose any attempts to restrict women’s autonomy in healthcare decision-making. I will support legislation that increases access to medical experts specializing in reproductive healthcare.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
An effective democracy relies on the participation of its citizens; therefore, policies should be enacted to encourage voting rather than discourage it. I endorse legislation that would make primaries open to independent voters. I would work towards legislatively enacting automatic voter registration. To accommodate the schedules of all voters, I support the idea of early voting days. Additionally, I would allocate resources to ensure robust cybersecurity measures are in place to protect voter registration databases and election infrastructure from cyber threats. Lastly, I would increase funding to local election offices to allow them to hire and train staff, upgrade technology, and implement more stringent security measures.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I support legislation to enact the recommendations made by the Basic Education Funding Commission. The Report calculates funding adequacy targets for every school district; the legislature needs to honor its funding obligations. I will support increased funding for children with disabilities. The failure of the state to fund special education has resulted in local school boards having to raise property taxes. We can afford to make these investments by putting an end to the practice of diverting funds from public schools to for-profit private companies. The funding formula for cyber charter schools is responsible for shifting millions of tax dollars to for-profit private enterprises. Profiting off the education of children is unacceptable.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
Accessing reproductive health services is legal. Unfortunately, the legislature has made the process difficult. As an advocate for reproductive rights, I will work to reinforce and strengthen laws that enable individuals to safely access sexual and reproductive healthcare facilities. I would promote scientific education about reproductive health and put a stop to the use of public funds to spread misinformation. I support legislation that protects physicians from making appropriate treatment decisions based on a patient’s reproductive medical condition. I firmly oppose any government action that interferes with a woman’s ability to control her healthcare decisions; personal medical decisions should not be subject to government interference.
Mindy Fee
Party: Republican
County: Lancaster
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
District 38
John Inglis
Party: Democratic
County: Allegheny
Occupation: Educator
Education: I have a Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education from Duquesne University and a Master’s degree in School Counseling from Westminster College.
Qualifications: Public Educator (2009 - Current), West Mifflin Borough Councilman (2018 - Current), South Hill Area Council of Government Member (2018 - 2022), West Mifflin Community Foundation Board Member (2014-2018) & Council Liaison (2018 - Current)
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
Education, providing jobs, and keeping our community safe. Education is the root of all opportunity. Right now, our public schools are being unlawfully underfunded here in Pennsylvania. My first priority is fixing that budget gap. After we fund our schools, we must make sure that our community has good paying jobs. The best way we can do that is to expand the union way of life. Organized labor built Allegheny County, and we have to support it. Finally, to keep our community safe we need to better support our first responders. Our local volunteer fire departments are seeing some especially challenging circumstances right now. They need state help and investments.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
I think we have made a lot of progress in recent years, but there is still work to do. First, I would enact same day voter registration. Arbitrary deadlines should not stop our citizens from participating in elections. A person should be able to register and vote all on the same day. Second, I would make sure the state is providing adequate resources to county election departments. Local budget shortfalls should never be allowed to harm the security of our elections. Finally, I would look into legislation to crack down on threats made against election officials. No one should be able to intimidate the hardworking men and women who make our Democracy work.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I am in support of the proposed Pennsylvania constitutional amendment to change our state income tax to a progressive format, making it more fair and equitable. This will benefit public education and help fill the funding gap. We also should be willing to tap into the rainy day fund. The fund currently sits at a massive 6.1 billion dollars. We can’t use all of that to address the education shortfall, but it is the public’s money and the education of our children should be one of the state’s top priorities.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
There must be an explicit guarantee for the right to an abortion in Pennsylvania law. Preferably, this would come in the form of a constitutional amendment, but failing that, legislation should be passed to the same effect. We are fortunate that our current state court system leans towards recognizing the right to an abortion, but as we saw on the federal level, the courts may fail in the future to uphold that right. We also must make sure that no Pennsylvanian or other American will be punished by other states for exercising their rights here in the Commonwealth.
Stone Sobieralski
Party: Republican
County: Allegheny
Occupation: Stonemason
Education: Associates Degree in business, finance, and accounting from Allegheny County Community College
Qualifications: Whitehall Borough Councilman since 2021
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
The most pressing issue for Pennsylvanians is the decline of opportunities. Pennsylvania is within the top eight for outbound migration since other states are providing better opportunities. The solution is to make Pennsylvania more business friendly by reducing burdensome and restrictive regulations to attract businesses and high paying jobs. Pennsylvania is also among the top five highest tax burdens per resident in the United States, with very little to show for it. By reducing the cost of living and creating more opportunities for Pennsylvania residents, we can stem this mass migration out of the state.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
I would support any changes that would make elections more fair, transparent, and accountable to all eligible Pennsylvania voters. For example, I support expanding voter ID laws and prohibiting mail-in drop boxes which present opportunities for fraud. However, I believe it’s worth noting that local election officials have already been doing a fine job of ensuring security and transparency.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I support an overhaul of the current funding system by supporting legislation to enact school choice. By allowing taxpayers to choose where to send their children and money, we can ensure children are not trapped in failing schools by their zip code and can access high quality education. I fully intend to hold Governor Shapiro accountable to his promise to enact school choice, which he campaigned on but later abandoned.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
District 39
Angela Girol
Party: Democratic
County: Allegheny
Occupation: Teacher - School Board Member
Education: Bachelor of English degree from St. Vincent College; Master of Arts in Teaching from Chatham College
Qualifications: Angela Girol has been a leader in the classroom since coming to Elizabeth Forward 17 years ago and recently received national recognition for her work. She has also worked in her community for the last five years, serving as a school board member in South Park.
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
As a teacher and two-term school board member, I understands the problems facing everyday hardworking folks in the 39th District who often feel forgotten and abandoned by the political and economic elites.
Issues of Focus:
Good Government,
Reproductive Freedom,
Public Safety,
Worker’s rights
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
I support laws to codify automatic voter registration, rank-choice voting, and open primaries.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I fully support funding PA public schools at the state level by closing tax loopholes and breaks for the wealthy that cost PA $4.9 billion annually. Further, I would champion legislation to lower property taxes for the working class and seniors on fixed incomes.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
I would introduce a constitutional amendment to protect access to abortion I will always support FDA-approved contraceptive methods, and the implementation of evidence-based sexual health education programs.
Andrew Kuzma
Party: Republican
County: Allegheny
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
District 40
Peter Kohnke
Party: Democratic
County: Allegheny
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
Natalie Mihalek
Party: Republican
County: Washington
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
District 41
Brad Chambers
Party: Democratic
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Labor Administrator, managing contracts for a workforce of over 5,000 Union workers.
Education: Bachelor’s in English Language and Literature, Millersville University
Qualifications: Community Organizer, Former Borough Council Candidate, Democratic Committee Person
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
The most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians are affordable housing, accessible and affordable healthcare, and equitable funding for public education.
The housing crisis has reached alarming levels, requiring urgent action through comprehensive housing policies to curb speculative practices and promote affordable housing and mixed-income neighborhoods.
Our healthcare system, marked by exclusion, inefficiency, and price gouging, highlights the need for a single-payer system for affordability and accessibility.
Additionally, our school districts are underfunded by the state, relying heavily on homeowners to make up the deficit. It is crucial to ensure fair funding for our schools to provide quality education for all students.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
As a State Representative, I would support same-day voter registration at polling places on Election Day. I would also endorse legislation to make Election Day a legal holiday in Pennsylvania and ensure that essential workers have time off to vote. Additionally, I support expanding access to secure ballot drop boxes, which are already standard in many counties in PA. This would provide early voters with an alternative to mailing their ballots. Finally, I would oppose any attempt to disenfranchise marginalized communities through voter ID laws without providing free, easily accessible IDs to all eligible voters.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I would review the Basic Education Funding formula to ensure that public schools in the 41st district and all of Lancaster County receive their fair share. I support legislation that reduces reliance on property taxes by correcting the funding disparity that currently allows Pennsylvania to pay 10% less into K-12 education than other states. It is essential to enhance transparency in the allocation of these funds and track their impact on student outcomes. This will enable us to accurately assess the damage caused by decades of inequitable funding and determine the best ways to support schools and students who are struggling as a result.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
All people should have the rights, freedoms, and opportunities to control their lives at the most basic level, including their bodies and their healthcare choices, and I would fight ANY attempt to take those healthcare choices out of the hands of individual Pennsylvanians and put them into the hands of lawmakers. We need to pass laws that respect, support, and empower people, ensuring that everyone has access to the care they need, including a full range of reproductive healthcare services and contraception options. I would support a single-payer healthcare system that fully covers reproductive healthcare and I would oppose any attempt to pass burdensome regulations designed to limit people’s reproductive choices.
Brett R. Miller
Party: Republican
County: Lancaster
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
District 42
Dan Miller
Party: Democratic
County: Allegheny
Occupation: Legislator
Education: JD, BS Secondary Education, BA History
Qualifications: Focus on public service, 11 years as a State Representative, currently serving as Majority House Whip, 14 years as a volunteer firefighter, previous township commissioner, Team Leader in AmeriCorps
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
Education and jobs are always the most pressing concerns. We need to make sure that our public education system works for every child, and we need to make sure that Pennsylvanians can see and build their futures here with family sustaining jobs. I will continue to push for state funding that balances out inequities typically found in student disability and mental health supports and food insecurity and technology gaps. And pushing for targeted state investment and partnerships that look to bring high quality jobs to PA, hopefully union and hopefully working with as much American-made products as possible.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
I would like to see more technology support to allow people with disabilities to vote in every polling center. I think expanding automatic registration would be positive and I think the state should offer greater financial support to counties to make sure that election workers are fairly compensated.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I believe that this year’s upcoming state budget must take a big step forward in rectifying the inequality in our school funding that many of us have said has existed for years. It may take a couple of budget cycles to fully correct the system, but it is not acceptable for the state budget to ignore this.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
I have always supported Roe v. Wade and I do not believe that a woman or doctor should be at risk of prosecution for exercising their choice and profession. Codifying these long established rights would be something I would support.
Joseph Leckenby
Party: Republican
County: Allegheny
Occupation: Law Student
Education: B.A. Duquesne University; J.D. Candidate Duquesne University
Qualifications: Member of Mt. Lebanon Republican Committee (2024—) Poll Worker (2017—); Nonprofit Leadership (2022—)
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
The most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians are job creation, crime, and infrastructure. First, we need to bring back manufacturing jobs to Pennsylvania. I will strive to cut unnecessary regulations and lower taxes to make it easier for businesses to thrive and create good-paying jobs. Second, we must address the rise in crime by supporting our law enforcement. We will increase funding for police, ensure they have the resources they need, and enforce the law strictly to keep our communities safe. Lastly, our infrastructure is crumbling. We will invest in rebuilding roads, bridges, and public services, ensuring that Pennsylvania has the best infrastructure in the country, making it a better place to live and work.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
Election integrity is crucial. We need to ensure that every legal vote counts and that there’s no fraud. I support implementing sensible election security laws aligned with our Commonwealth and Federal constitutions. We also need to secure our mail-in voting system to prevent any misuse. This includes signature verification and stricter rules on ballot collection and drop boxes. To support local election officials, we’ll provide better training and more resources to ensure they can manage elections efficiently and securely. Transparency is key — we must allow for proper observation of the vote-counting process by all parties.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
Our children deserve the best education. We need to ensure that funding is fair and that every child, no matter where they live, has access to quality education. I would support legislation that reallocates funds to ensure that schools in underprivileged areas receive more support. This includes more funding for school infrastructure, better pay for teachers, and resources for students. We must also promote school choice, allowing parents to decide where their children go to school. Whether it’s public, charter, or private schools, competition will drive up quality. Our goal is to ensure that every child in Pennsylvania has the opportunity to succeed. Along with fellow Republicans, I will champion outside-of-the-box solutions for education
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
I am pro-life, and I believe we need to protect the unborn. I would support legislation that restricts late-term abortions and ensures that any procedure is done under the safest conditions for the mother. We also need to provide better support for women who choose to carry their pregnancies to term, including access to healthcare, childcare, and adoption services. Life is precious, and we must do everything we can to protect it while also supporting women and families in difficult situations.
District 43
Keith J. Greiner
Party: Republican
County: Lancaster
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
District 44
Hadley Haas
Party: Democratic
County: Allegheny
Occupation: Unemployed
Education: B.A. - Economics & Communications
Qualifications: Leadership - Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, Founding Member - QV Strong, Former Chair - Friends of the Hearing Center at Children’s Hospital Pittsburgh
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
Gun Violence - Investing in community violence intervention programs and common sense legislation are proven to curb firearm deaths and casualties, including suicide and school shootings.
Equity in Public Education - I support implementing the adequacy formula as recommended by the Basic Education Funding Commission and investing appropriately at the state level. I believe in the need to update the funding model for charter/cyber schools and to invest in facilities and teachers.
Retaining and attracting a younger population - In order to thrive, Pennsylvania must retain and attract young people. Safe, healthy communities, quality schools, and job opportunities will make Pennsylvania desirable in the years to come.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
I believe we need to make voting as accessible and inclusive as possible and that it is crucial to engage young people in the Democratic process. Some initiatives I would support include:
Open primaries in Pennsylvania.
Allowing eligible citizens to both register or change their registration status and cast a ballot on the day of a primary or election.
Allowing 16 and 17 year olds to pre-register to vote.
Allowing 17-year-olds, who will be 18 years old on or before the date of a General Election, to register and vote for candidates in the corresponding Primary.
Simplified procedures for mail-in/absentee ballots.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I support implementing the adequacy formula as recommended by the Basic Education Funding Commission and investing appropriately at the state level. I believe in the need to update the funding model for charter and cyber schools and to invest in modern facilities and incentives for teachers.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
I am concerned about the Dobbs decision and the impact it is having on women’s health around our country. As a result, I would support a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to an abortion.
Valerie Gaydos
Party: Republican
County: Allegheny
Occupation: Legislator, Business Owner, Investor, Entrepreneur
Education: Dickinson College, BA Russian Language, Economics
Qualifications: A strong history of delivering results for our communities. Returned ~$90M of your taxes back for community projects.
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
The most pressing issues includes high property taxes, overall high cost of living and the rising cost of doing business in the state. Too many young people continue to leave PA for greater opportunity elsewhere. Seniors are being taxed out of their homes & small businesses getting crushed by government overreach. We must reverse these trends with good family sustaining jobs, additional support for education in the trades, more economic opportunity for youth,
Valerie has legislation to provide more affordable health care for all (HB555) and, recently Governor Shapiro signed her legislation to help reduce cost of prescriptions
Stronger economies result in safer communities.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
Pennsylvania has a clear set of laws governing elections that allow for voter access and the ability for citizens to take part in voting. Each year additional security measures have been put in place to increase the safety and security of elections and continued measures must ensure that voting laws are followed as written to restore voter confidence and engagement.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
Pennsylvania has amongst the highest per student spending in the nation. Unfortunately, as funding has gone up, test scores have gone down. Pennsylvania is one of the few states that relies on property taxes for school funding with a disproportionate burdon placed on the local level. And, that must change.
The Council of State Taxation Study on property tax administration rates Pennsylvania as an F ( which identifies a number of low cost and no cost solutions to improve Pennsylvania’s rating. These should be pursued to equalize funding without significant impact on local property taxpayers and homeowners.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
Pennsylvania already has settled law. And, as such, there is no need to change current Pennsylvania laws governing abortion. Abortions should be rare, safe and legal and support should be equally provided to all aspects of life - prenatal care, adoption and foster care. Exceptions for cases of rape, incest and the broad health and welfare of the mother including mental health should remain essential components of the law. With a sister as a family physician, Valerie believes that medical decisions should be made between a doctor and patient including for masks and vaccines. It is essential to address this topic with respect for finding common ground in all dialogue in this deeply personal and complex debate.
District 45
Anita Astorino Kulik
Party: Democratic
County: Allegheny
Occupation: State Representative for the 45th District
Education: B.A. Duquesne University 1985, J. D. Duquesne University 1989
Qualifications: Lawyer, Former Township Commissioner (13 years), State Representative (8 years)
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
Infrastructure repair. We need to allocate sufficient resources. Fair and equitable education systems. We need to properly fund districts that do not have an adequate tax base. Protecting the innocent victims of domestic violence.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
Early voting should be implemented. We need to stop the attacks on proper mail-in voting.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I have long advocated for proper funding. We need to work in a bipartisan manner to properly fund education to provide every student, in every district, appropriate educational opportunities.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
James Julius
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
Party: Republican
County: Allegheny
District 46
Alex Taylor
Party: Democratic
County: Washington
Occupation: Patient Care Technician
Education: University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown B.A. in Political Science
Qualifications: 5 years experience in Health Care, Degree in Political Science, Worked on several campaigns for candidates who believed in building up our communities.
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
Education and the Environment are two major issues I believe that Pennsylvanians face. Better-funded schools lead to a better-educated population, which leads to better opportunities for young people and could lower crime rates, I’d support legislation to better our current education system and would propose legislation to encourage higher learning. The Environmental issues we face can be dealt with by holding businesses, that operate, in the Commonwealth accountable for damage caused to our water and air by their operations, I will support and propose legislation to keep them accountable.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
I would support automatic voter registration for any Pennsylvania resident as soon as they turn 18, I’ll support legislation that would open our Primaries so that more of our citizens can take part in choosing the person who will be on the ballot in November. I’ll support legislation that creates a more secure voting booth, and I’ll support legislation that would provide local elections officials and their processes with the necessary man-power, and funds if needed to ensure election security and accessibility.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I’d support legislation that fully and equitably funds schools across the Commonwealth and supports better pay for our educators who are often overworked and underpaid.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
I’d support an amendment to the state constitution to secure a woman’s right to choose in the Commonwealth. Short of that I’d support any laws that strengthen the rights of women when it comes to medical decisions involving their own bodies.
Jason Ortitay
Party: Republican
County: Washington
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
District 47
Edward Ritter
Party: Democratic
County: York
Occupation: Professional Engineer, Retired
Education: Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
Qualifications: I practiced engineering for over 40 years - working for large and small organizations - public and private. I am a data-driven, middle-of-the-road candidate who is entering politics for the first time with the hope of making meaningful contributions.
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
Public education is on the line. The rise of book banning, attacks on teachers, and funding of our public schools has become partisan. Every child is entitled to a quality education. I commit myself to supporting our teachers by passing legislation that helps them teach.
Healthcare is on the ballot in November. Pennsylvania is a safe haven for reproductive rights thanks to voters electing Governor Shapiro. I will support legislation that maintains access to quality healthcare for every Pennsylvanian.
In certification of 2020′s election, numerous representatives in Pennsylvania supported throwing out votes of hard working citizens. This is unconscionable. When I am elected, I will defend your vote. Democracy must be defended.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
I fully endorse increasing participation in the election process by providing for open primaries. All citizens support elections through their tax dollars. I believe it better for democracy to permit everyone, including independent and third party voters, the opportunity to vote in primaries. It may reduce the current polarization in the dominant parties when primary candidates need to consider more moderate views throughout the campaign cycle. I believe that our elections have consistently been free and fair - safe and secure.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
Governor Shapiro’s administration has made steps to right Pennsylvania’s school funding woes through his 24-25 state budget proposal. Writing on June 28, the current state assembly has made no moves to approve this budget on time (by June 30), leaving our school districts scrambling to meet their own budget needs. When I am elected, I will support the work to ensure our districts are funded equitably and make budget approval a priority, not grounds for partisan squabbling. I am a product of public education in a rural Pennsylvania school district, and I support quality education for every student. Supporting quality teachers and a well-rounded education is key. STEM education is important; so are social sciences and the arts.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
Children can be a blessing but not everyone is physically, mentally, emotionally and financially capable of supporting a new child. Legislation banning abortion with certain exceptions will undoubtedly overlook certain circumstances where abortion may be the best option for a pregnant woman. I support legislation that would firmly establish every woman’s access to the full spectrum of reproductive healthcare. This includes contraception, IVF, and access to abortion should she and her doctor agree that is appropriate. I would favor removing counseling and mandatory waiting periods; these restrictions disproportionately affect low-income women.
Joe D’Orsie
Party: Republican
County: York
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
District 48
Tim O’Neal
Party: Republican
County: Washington
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
District 49
Izzy Smith-Wade-El
Party: Democratic
County: Lancaster
Occupation: PA State Representative, HD-49
Education: Bachelor of Humanities and Arts (BHA), Carnegie Mellon University
Qualifications: Current State Representative, former Lancaster City Council President, former Vice Chair of the Lancaster County Democratic Committee, former Program Specialist with Lancaster County Homelessness Coalition.
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
The Commonwealth needs hundreds of thousands of new affordable housing units, which will require significant state investment, but will make life easier for families, especially woman-headed households with children, boost our economy, and decrease violence and instability. Through the PA Housing Finance Agency and The Department of Community & Economic Development, we can invest in both building new housing opportunities, and restoring thousands of blighted homes across the Commonwealth to a habitable condition. Further the Landlord-Tenant Act is decades old and needs adjustment to protect the rights of tenants and prevent unnecessary homelessness.
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
No excuse absentee-balloting, or “mail-in” has been a huge step forward for the Commonwealth, but many people continue to be disenfranchised by the associated requirements.
PA election law should cease to treat a missing or inaccurate date, or envelope ordering, as a fatal defect for a ballot, further requiring that County Boards of election notify voters of any fatal defects and allow time for their correction.
Same-day voter registration is also an important frontier to advance ballot access for vulnerable communities, and I would support legislation which advances that goal.
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
I would support a proposal that advances the twin demands of our constitutions, both equity and adequacy, that is, not merely that student education is funded fairly, but that it is funded fully.
Legislation budgeting that $5 billion dollars that our students are currently being deprived of, must be supported, but we also need to move a larger share of school funding to state responsibility overall, as opposed to the unfair and unpopular property tax-based arrangement we currently have.
Further, all schools which receive funding from the state must comply with state regulations, especially as regards non-discrimination and accessibility, and no scheme should be developed which siphons money from public education to private schools.
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
First, we ought to make clear in law and Constitution that conduct enshrined in our privacy rights, e.g. terminating a pregnancy, personal relations, marriage equality is protected in the Commonwealth.
Further we would prevent any state funds, particularly Medicaid funds that flow through the Commonwealth, from being used for deceptive “crisis pregnancy centers,”
Finally, we ought to enshrine the Commonwealth as a reproductive health sanctuary state, ensuring that while states across the union attempt to ban abortion, IVF, and contraception, we do not share health data with or assist in the efforts of states who seek to criminalize their own residents who leave their states seeking this care.
District 50
Drew Ross Manko
Party: Democratic
County: Washington
This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.
Bud Cook
Party: Republican
County: Washington
Occupation: Commonwealth 50th District State Representative
Education: BS West Virginia Wesleyan College
Qualifications: 4 We the People - Cook
Contact: | |
What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?
Property Taxes, Total restructure of Commonwealth Funding
What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?
Repeal Act 77
What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?
Property Taxes, Total restructure of Commonwealth Funding
What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?
Pro Life
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